The primary mission of the Whistler Cycling Club (WCC) is “To facilitate and promote recreational road cycling in Whistler and the surrounding area.” An important objective for accomplishing that mission is by, “Advocating for safe cycling infrastructure by working cooperatively with governments.”
The club has developed strong working relationships with the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW), the provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) and Jordan Sturdy, Member of the Legislative Assembly for West Vancouver – Sea to Sky. The club has also provided support for initiatives of the BC Cycling Coalition, a provincial cycling advocacy organization.
Severe highway hazards encountered during rides can be reported to Miller Capilano Main switch board, Hazard reporting 1 866 918 1010
Whistler Cycling Club advocacy efforts have focused on the following areas:
Maintenance of cycling infrastructure – shoulder sweeping, repair of damaged shoulders, etc.
Cycling regulations and signage – provincial cycling laws, educating cyclists/drivers, safety and tourism signage, etc.
1.5m Rule: We are working hard to make it a requirement for drivers to give cyclists at least one and a half meters when passing.
Enhancements to existing cycling infrastructure – removing shoulder obstacles such as dangerous storm grates, etc.
Investment in cycling infrastructure improvements – full-width repaving of highway segments, shoulder widening in dangerous locations, etc.
Some specific advocacy initiatives by the club include:
1. Road Cycling in the Sea to Sky Brochure
The RMOW in collaboration with local governments, tourism agencies, sports organizations and the Whistler Cycling Club has developed a brochure with rules of the road and safety tips for both cyclists and drivers for sharing the road. The brochure also includes descriptions of popular cycling routes in the Sea to Sky corridor. Maps and profiles of the routes can be viewed on the RIDES page, select Route Ideas.
Click here to download the brochure
2. Recommendations to MOTI, Sea to Sky Road Cycling Infrastructure and Programs
The WCC formed an Advocacy Working Group, which assessed the provincial roads in the corridor and provided recommendations to MOTI for improvements to road cycling infrastructure and programs.
The submission can be viewed at Sea to Sky Road Cycling Infrastructure and Programs.
3. Support for BC Cycling Coalition cycling safety initiatives
The Whistler Cycling Club is a member organization of the BC Cycling Coalition, a non-profit, member-driven society to provide a voice for cycling in the Province of British Columbia.
4. Demonstrate cycling safety and etiquette
Whistler Cycling Club members understand our responsibilities when we are on a club ride, wearing a club jersey or just riding on the road. We view ourselves as ambassadors for the club and the road cycling community, and we will ride in a manner that is safe, courteous and respectful of all road users.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please see Contact Us